bottled on:

March 4, 2022

Choosing the perfect website designer for your business

Here at Bayou Brand House, we value communication, transparency, and collaboration to build a brand and website that resonates with you as well as with your target audience and ideal clients. Genuine human connection is the heartbeat of what we do. We want to share not just your triumphs but your trials as well.

This emphasis on connections is why our entire process is built on a relationship-driven strategy. We hope that whichever designer you choose to work with, they focus on building that connection with you as well. But one thing we know for sure is that when you work with us, we’ll work hands-on with you to equip you with a brand and online presence that will help you grow your business, expand your reach, connect and book more of your dream clients.

Ready to roll up your sleeves with a strong shot of espresso in the AM and kick off your shoes with a cool margarita as the sun goes down? We might be a perfect match. 😉

Choosing your perfect website and brand designer

Look, we totally get how scary it can be to find a designer. Not only can it be challenging to find your designer soulmate is a challenge, but it’s also stressful making the decision to invest in one. Even though there are a TON of talented designers out there, how do you choose the right designer? The one who you can trust completely with your brand?

This is how we see it: choosing the right designer — the perfect designer for your business — comes down to how well you mesh with their values, whether your passions align, and how you connect with them as a person. Talents and expertise are definitely important, but if there’s a disconnect, it’s going to be hard for them to turn your vision into reality and hard for you to communicate your important ideas.

The process of what it’s like to work with website designers like us, Bayou Brand House!

In true Bayou Brand House transparency fashion, we’re going to break down the entire process of what it’s like to work with us during our House Special Experience. We believe no amount of talent in the world can overcome a disconnection due to a lack of honesty. Let’s get started, shall we?

Step 1: A virtual coffee

We will never ask you to book a service with us without a face-to-face, “let’s get to know each other” sesh for the bargain price of free ninety free. That’s because, believe it or not, we’ve got a type, just like you! Consider this as a test drive for both of us to see if we’ll be the right fit for each other.

We’ll use this time to talk about your business, your goals, and even your favorite cocktail. This is honestly one of my favorite parts of the process because I LOVE talking to other entrepreneurs, learning their stories, and figuring out how I can best help them achieve success.

This is a step I truly value and will never neglect. Your initial chat with Bayou Brand House will always be with me, Ashlie, the founder and lead designer.

Step 2: Brand strategy and design

The next step of the process begins with your brand strategy and design.

The first step of this phase begins with an in-depth questionnaire designed to help us dig deep and understand your brand values, personality, and tone. Our team will then begin to craft a unique brand identity and design that feels authentic to you and your goals for your business.

You’ll emerge from this step with a strong brand message, beautiful brand visuals, and a clear strategy for putting your brand out into the world.

Step 3: Copywriting

At Bayou Brand House, we are firm believers that copywriting comes before website design. (Surprised?) We do this because when starting with a design, it’s too easy to feel constrained by that design to make your copy ‘fit’ the design. As design experts, we understand the value of all things pretty, but we also know that the words on your website are just as important as what you see. By focusing on your copy before looking at the design, you can talk freely about your business and offerings, without worrying about what it looks like on a web page.

Little known fact: Web designers love having solid copy before beginning a design because it effectively serves as a strategic roadmap and helps create an organization and structure for the web design.

We also know how often entrepreneurs struggle with their own copywriting, which is why we knew it was important that we offer it as part of our comprehensive brand + website services. It’s why our House Special includes professional copywriting from our very own in-house copywriter. We only want the best for our clients, and that’s why we partner exclusively with my good friend and expert conversion copywriter, Hana, to deliver thoughtful, authentic, and strategic copywriting to go with their brand and website

Our resident word wizard takes everything from your brand + website questionnaires, your brand messaging developed during your brand strategy phase and works collaboratively with you to nail your voice and tone throughout your website. 

So, if copywriting was something you were stressing about… We’ve got you covered. 

Step 4: Website strategy and design

The next step is where we begin to strategize what we like to call the Ideal Client Journey. Most people understand the importance of the homepage and the contact or book page but oftentimes forget about the journey they have to take to get them there.

Before beginning any website design, we take the time to map out:

  • What we want your website visitors to do
  • How we want to get them there

We plan this out by using your brand’s core values and main messaging so we can identify how you want to connect and convert your ideal clients.

For example, at Bayou Brand House, we knew that relatability and human connection were at the heart of how we wanted to build relationships with our ideal clients. So for our strategy, it’s important to get visitors to our about page. There’s power and value in having our visitors relate to our team and recognize they’ll be working with professionals who understand what they are feeling and going through. We use our stories and passions to make genuine connections. 

So, the next thing we’ll do is develop a roadmap of the journey we want your website visitors to take because while the destination is important, how they get there is important too. 

Only then do we begin to put it all together. Taking your branding, copywriting, and client journey, we’ll build a website that serves not just as a sales pitch, but as an experience. 

Step 5: Launch strategy

Towards the end of the website design phase, we’ll schedule a call to discuss your launch strategy.

We’ll explore questions like:

  • How do you plan to show up on social media?
  • Where are your ideal clients, and how can we get them excited?
  • Do you plan to offer any special promotions or freebies as promotion?

And more. Together, we’ll make a plan for how you’d like to lead up to, promote, and then follow up on your launch to your followers. 

From there, we’ll develop a personalized strategy with curated captions and graphics to help promote your new brand and website. Plus, you’ll receive a suggested schedule and recommendations on how to post so you can make the biggest splash in your market!

Step 6: Post-launch support

Bayou Brand House alumni will never be left out in the dark after working with us. For 30 days, you’ll have priority support via email and Voxer from our dedicated team of experts. 

Even after 30 days, you’ll have lifetime access to email support.

Going forward

I hope this was a helpful insight into our process. Got questions about our Custom Brand + Showit Website service? Send me an email at Or if you’re ready, book a call here

Shop functional, aesthetic, and affordable Showit templates and Canva marketing templates. Perfect for new entrepreneurs who want to help their brand look bougie on a beer budget.

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On the House

Who doesn’t like a little something on the house? (We’ll never say no.) Meet Annalise, a Showit website template we pulled straight out of our Design Den just for you. 

Sample our Showit Website Templates

free showit website template

Rotating Logo

We’ve got your favorite order and a high-top table with your name on it. Let’s find time to chat.

Ready to make Bayou Brand House your brand’s home away from home?

transformational branding and web design for female entrepreneurs

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Credits: Brand Photography by Britt Elizabeth Photography | Veteran Owned 🇺🇸 | 🏳️‍🌈 Ally Always  🏳️‍⚧️